PLAB 1 -Experience & Simple Strategy


Dr Bubrak Amin
1 min readFeb 16, 2021

Hello and AOA

Thanks to Allah all mighty :-)

I cleared my PLAB 1 Exam today(Nov 2020),attempted on 15 Oct 2020,in first attempt
Without Allah help and blessing It wouldn’t have been possible

The credit goes to ALLAH followed by my Parents prayers
i will go on and thank and Appreciate Plabable for it was Their hard work that helped me ace PLAB 1

Plan executed(Keep it simple)

PLABABLE just 1 times
Started a month before PLAB 1 exam
Finished Plabable on the night before exam
Plabable 4 day Revision course and Big-Mock helped me alot
The Revision Presentations were of great help just before exam and also not to forget the Big mock which made me realize how imp it is to manage time, However if you have time, you can do the following but after you are done with PLABABLE.


Not to Forget

Working Hard is a must however you cannot oversee the importance of the following
Pray for yourself and ask your Parents to Pray for you
Trust Allah
Thanks Allah
and You will Pass

Nothing is impossible ( Even impossible tells you that I AM POSSIBLE )

